How To Grow Rosemary

Rosemary is a very popular long-lived slightly tender evergreen herb that needs well-drained soil in a sunny sheltered spot. But will easily fit in any herbaceous border or happy to be grown in containers placed against a south facing wall.
Rosemary has very aromatic narrow green leaves with two-lipped tubular flowers produced in spring, making it a very suitable plant to invite pollinators into the kitchen garden at this time of the year.
Here's Our Guide to Growing Rosemary:
How, Where & When
In early autumn sow seed liberally in a seed tray filled with moist compost and cover lightly with horticultural grit with tray placed in a cool cold frame over the winter months. Seed need 15˚C to germinate and can take up to 3 months to see any signs of life in the seed tray. Once germinated, pot on into individual pots and final planting in well drained soil with sunny sheltered site.
Final planting out space of 50cm between plants will allows the plants to grow towards each other to create a natural low evergreen hedge.
Regular Care
Rosemary is susceptible to rosemary leaf beetle that eggs on the underside of leaves and it’s the larvae that feeds on the leaves and decimate fresh growth. Remove affected branches before eggs hatch and recycle into civic waste.
Harvest can be done all year round, but in order to dry out sprigs for dried herbs that should take place in summer.
Rosemary is a big bold dominant flavor, so its best used in moderation as a seasoning in casseroles, stews, and soups. Rosemary works wonderfully with roasted meats such as lamb or Chicken…Stuffing wouldn’t be stuffing without Rosemary…try using it in butter over a steak, with a touch of garlic!
Growing Guides
If you're thinking of sowing other vegetable and herb seeds, discover more of our growing guides.